Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 2

This morning we went and worshiped with Pastor Ernest of Unity Presbyterian. The service was beautiful. His sermon focused on leaning on God even in the toughest of circumstances. It resonated with all of us, especially as we held the hands of our precious orphans. He preached that even when it seems there is no hope ,God is the forever hope. As his words rang through the church , I looked down at the two little girls fast asleep on me and I felt Gods hope. These children may not have started off with a easy life but there is hope for them. This afternoon we took all the kids and a few caregivers to visit some Mayan ruins. It was extremely hot and but every one was in great spirits. We explored the ruins and enjoyed spending time with the children. During devotions all our team members had special moments about the day to share. It was so encouraging to hear that even though it was hot, stressful at times, and one person was even puked on ,everyone felt so honored and humbled to be sharing Gods love with these kids.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Arrival day

Our team arrived safely in Belize.  Many of us got up as early as 2:45 am to catch our flight but as soon as we arrived at the Dorothy Menzies Center, we forgot about our exhaustion as the kids all ran out to hug us! We spent most of the afternoon with them and had to tear ourselves away.  Our awesome math camp teaching team got to check out the school where they will be teaching, and they are excited about it.  Bev and Jodie went to see their teaching facility too, where they will be teaching 30 teachers.  The construction team met with Cisco and Giovanni and have an excellent project list for the week that will keep them very busy!  Our travels were really smooth and as we talked about our day during our evening devotions, we realize the value of our "rookie year" last year!  We learned so much that paved the way for this year's trip.....from travel logistics to building the foundation for a strong relationship with the children and staff at DMCCC.  We are humbled as we think about all that God has in store for us this week, but we are ready to answer His call.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Commissioning Service

Our 29-person mission team was commissioned last night during a moving worship service at First Presbyterian Church, Dunedin.  The congregation promised to pray for us and for the children and staff at Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center. 

We closed by singing our special song we sing with the kids, "This Little Light of Mine".  Can't wait to get back down there with this awesome team, and hug those kids again!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Overwhelmed and awed by donations!

We are overwhelmed and amazed by all of the donations this year!  Thanks to everyone who so graciously donated clothing, school supplies and more.  And many thanks to Boy Scout Troop 375 who sealed, labeled and loaded all 200 boxes into the trailer in just over one hour!  Members of our team will deliver the boxes to Miami on Friday, where they will go by cargo ship to Belize City in  just 4 days.  Trinity Methodist School, Unity Presbyterian School, the Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center, and the Ministry of Education are so grateful.


The 2013 Belize Mission Team is preparing to depart for Belize City in 2 1/2 weeks!  We invite you to follow us through this blog. This year we are a group of 30, and we are amazed at the many things God is calling us to do.  We will be teaching a Math Camp to 84 children, offering teacher training for 75 teachers, conducting Vacation Bible School & a Teen Program and doing a construction project at the Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center, and working with the staff at Dorothy Menzies on an alternative behavior (token economy) program!  We are all so excited to see the Dorothy Menzies children again.  

We are grateful for the many donations we've received for the children in fact, we got so many things, we are shipping 200 boxes of items via cargo ship this week - wow!  God is good!!!