Tuesday, June 11, 2013


The 2013 Belize Mission Team is preparing to depart for Belize City in 2 1/2 weeks!  We invite you to follow us through this blog. This year we are a group of 30, and we are amazed at the many things God is calling us to do.  We will be teaching a Math Camp to 84 children, offering teacher training for 75 teachers, conducting Vacation Bible School & a Teen Program and doing a construction project at the Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center, and working with the staff at Dorothy Menzies on an alternative behavior (token economy) program!  We are all so excited to see the Dorothy Menzies children again.  

We are grateful for the many donations we've received for the children in Belize....in fact, we got so many things, we are shipping 200 boxes of items via cargo ship this week - wow!  God is good!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I have joined the group rather late in the process and am impressed with the comprehensive, spirit-filled planning! What a joy, indeed, it is to be part of this team!

    Amid the search for sunscreen, insect repellant, comfortable shoes, and props for teaching the core values, I am struck by the power of prayer. As in all things, prayer is the first step along the journey. Thank you to all who have prayed, are praying, and will pray for the children, their care-givers, and the travelers.
